Is power from MPPT used to power the loads when feedback is disabled?
Yes. ESS will reduce grid usage to a minimum, preferably to 0W, with or without feed-in enabled. It keeps the MPPT Solar Chargers working hard - even when the batteries are full.
A bit more detail with reference to selected modes:
- In Optimize mode whether the load is great or small power will be supplied by the batteries. The Grid meter will be kept at 0W until either the battery is drained or the load exceeds the inverter's capacity.
- In Keep Batteries charged mode no power comes from the batteries to power loads unless the grid fails. PV power, when available, will be used to power the loads. There is a known issue when using “Keep batteries charged” mode that can result in less production from the MPPT solar charger when batteries are full. This only occurs when DVCC is disabled, and the “Feed-in excess solar charger power” setting disabled.
The current options to work around this “Keep Batteries charged” issue are:
- Enable DVCC (check CCGX manual to see if that is allowed for the used battery type, make & model!)
- Set the mode to Optimize, and set the minimum SOC to 100%. Note that with this workaround there is still a difference with the “Keep batteries charged” mode: the system will not recharge the battery from the grid after a power outage